Commuting On Mars


Commuting On Mars is an Artwork created before Covid-19.

It aims to embrace the flip sides of human behavior, social interaction, and travel exploration.

The astronauts depicted in a Mars tube is an excuse to portray how human relations have been affected and changed since the Pandemic impacted the world as we knew it.

The bridge between space suits and Covid-19 masks is a clear attempt to connect the absurd future moment illustrated and the contemporary world we're living in nowadays.

Society is represented in the attempt to remove distances with services and infrastructure and make things happen faster and faster in our lives.

But all of the above is in contrast with what’s happening today, between the Virus and the use and abuse of the wrong side of technology, social media, and web 3.0 and their clear alienation negatives.

Travel itself is an excuse to think deeply about an introspective human’s journey, to understand and find ourselves and our place in the community and in the Universe.

In our imagination, people go to Mars to do epic and extraordinary things.

But not here.

Mars' environment is presented on an ordinary day, with the same habits and difficulties that affect our normal life.

||The collector will receive the 5K Original Video and a physical counterpart of the Artwork.|| Pixels on Screen | Ultra HD 5200x2924 px | Video Loop | Audio


March 21, 2022 Minted: Vittorio Bonapaca
May 2, 2022 Purchased for 8Ξ: Poseidon NFT Fund
