ART (D)Evolution


ART (D)Evolution

NFTs & ART, retrospective 2021
Decentralization, Ethereum Salvation.
Heroes, villains, renaissance legends, and foes.

Community tribe, collectible !vibe
Shill the skill, settle the bid.

Right-click save but lack the soul.
Climb the chart then stop your heart.

Whirlwind of adventure at the summit of the flip
Enthralling peaks, serendipitous dips.
Airdrops, whales crypto eclipse.

I see the future inside the past

Intrepid roller coaster cataclysm.
Sail along blockchain buddies.

Graceful GMs to you all.



December 27, 2021 Minted: @reylarsdam
December 28, 2021 Purchased for 25Ξ: @tg12
