we won america’s got talent


The crowd
When my foot penetrated
The celebrity meat
Part of me disappearing
Into the coils of our inanimate savior
He couldn’t eat any other way
And they couldn’t too
Feeding from my
Bloated boot treads
It hung
In front of thrusting tongues
Indifferent of shit filled crevice
They sought
So long as it spun in a dying microwave
And reached vague warmth
To the sound of an insect orgasm

We won that year
Our prize was a lifetime of regret
Our Las Vegas residency was quiet alcoholism
Our legacy leaked from our wounds
And into the easy chairs of an entire nation
They said it was the best season yet


July 11, 2022 Minted: diewiththemostlikes
July 13, 2022 Purchased for 6.9Ξ: proteinprosecco
