Space Boy: The Journey Begins


The Space Boy mini-series is the first installment of the Wonder half of the "Joy & Wonder" series. The "Joy" half and the "Wonder" half each have their own distinct feel.

The "Joy" portion of the series is inspired by nostalgic feelings and brings more black joy to art. I want these pieces to heal and make people feel good instantly just by looking at them.

The "Wonder" pieces are inspired by children’s imaginations being so vast and uncorrupted as ours are. Going through life, we get told things aren’t possible and we then, lose our flame. But children often think anything is possible. I want to explore my inner child and everyone else’s along the way and find that flame again.

The Space Boy series embodies the meaning behind the "Wonder" side. Anything is possible through imagination.

"Space Boy: The Journey Begins" is all about having a dream and wanting so badly to make it a reality. Anything is possible because our imaginations know no bounds.


January 22, 2022 Minted: Terrell Jones
January 23, 2022 Purchased for 5Ξ: Jordanlzg
